
Hi, my name is Dr. Anthony Capasso MD. I’m the leading research doctor at Nutrition Hacks and I want to show you the #1 Superfood you should add to your diet to burn more fat and boost the metabolism.

As a matter of fact, this superfood is the absolute BEST food that should be included in any ketogenic diet to effectively activate a fat burning state…

The Superfood I’m talking about is…Coconut Oil!

You see, I’ve helped thousands of my patient’s transform their body images improve their overall health and achieve their weight loss goals faster than what they thought was possible…

And in all their diets, coconut oil was the #1 food that I recommended for them to take daily for effective fat loss.

However, not just any regular coconut oil…

It’s extremely important that a quality coconut oil is used because most store bought coconut oils use chemical solvents like hexane, which is the main chemical in gasoline.

Obviously, that can be very toxic for anyone’s body. These chemical solvents are used by companies to boost profits since its cheaper and pulls roughly 10% more oil from the coconut.

So I personally recommend using a 100% Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil that is expeller pressed to fully reap the benefits of the true fat burning and health transforming benefits coconut oil has to offer…

That’s why I teamed up with Nutrition Hacks to deliver the BEST Organic Coconut Oil on the market place…

The Nutrition Hacks Organic Coconut Oil

We took 100% organic extra virgin coconut oil and condensed it into a softgel form using an industrial-grade water purification system so that the nutrients are quickly and efficiently absorbed into your body.

That’s right! Instead of having to deal with the gruesome taste of coconut oil, you can now enjoy all the benefits of a quality extra virgin organic coconut oil in an easy to swallow softgel.

having to deal
with the nasty
taste of coconut oil…

harmful chemical solvents from most of those store bought coconut oils…

You can get every metabolism boosting and health transforming benefit in this convenient softgel that you can literally take anywhere.

Here’s the best part…

For a very limited time, you can get a bottle of the Nutrition Hacks Organic Coconut Oil that contains 60 softgels for FREE!

All you have to do is click the link below where you can enter your address details and all we ask is for you to cover the small shipping charge.

There are no additional charges. You won’t be charged on a monthly basis or
anything like that. You really do get the bottle free. You only need to cover the small shipping charge.

Let’s take a look at the incredible benefits a quality coconut oil has to offer:

#1 Superfood For a Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet has been extremely popular lately and the Nutrition Hacks Organic Coconut Oil can be a huge asset if you’re attempting a keto diet. If you’re not familiar with a ketogenic diet, allow me to briefly explain…

A typical ketogenic diet is a high-fat, medium-protein, low-carbohydrate diet.

The diet forces the body to burn fats for energy rather than
carbohydrates by creating ketones from the breakdown of fats in
the liver.

When this happens, your body is in a state of ketosis and your body will be using stored fat for fuel. And here’s what makes coconut oil the PERFECT fit for a ketogenic diet…

The medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil stimulates ketosis in the body faster and more efficiently than any other source of fat.20

That means your body will be in a fat burning state, where stored fat is being used for energy, much faster with coconut oil.

So it’s an absolute must to incorporate a quality source of coconut oil if
you want to be successful with a ketogenic diet and truly use stored
belly fat for energy.

Boost The Metabolism
and Increase Lean Body Mass

A 12-week double-blind trial was conducted on people with excess belly fat, and it showed the MCFAs (Medium Chain Fatty Acids) in coconut oil increased lean body mass and lowered total body-fat percentage compared with the competing group.1

And in a similar study, it was discovered that the MCFAs in coconut oil increased daily fat burn by up to 120 calories… BEFORE any additional activity or diet changes.2

And another study showed the medium chain fatty acids in a healthy coconut oil will give you up to a 60 percent greater reduction in body fat compared to regular dieting.3

Treat Mental Decline

Recent research has shown that the MCFAs in coconut oil creates ketones when digested which supplies energy for the brain.

This is very important for someone with mental decline since the ketones from coconut oil can actually provide an alternate source for the brain and help brain function.4

Help Prevent Heart Disease and Lower High Blood Pressure

Coconut oil has been proven countless times to lower bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and increase good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol)5 As LDL cholesterol goes down and HDL cholesterol goes up, your blood pressure will naturally gravitate to healthy normal levels, keeping heart disease at bay.6

And since coconut oil helps reduce body fat, this further reduces the risk of having heart disease and even high blood pressure.7

Inflammation and Joint Pain

Coconut oil contains plenty of antioxidants, which helps reduce inflammation and treat all types of pain in the body including arthritis, making coconut oil the perfect joint pain fighter.8,9,10

On top of that, coconut oil also helps with the absorption of calcium and helps with repairing bone loss in the body.11


Coconut oil can improve digestion by destroying bad bacteria and improving good bacteria in the gut.12 And can even help prevent or treat stomach ulcers.13,14

Coconut oil also helps the digestion of fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin D to name a few.15

Help Slow
The Aging Process

A recent study has shown that coconut oil can slow aging because of the increase in antioxidant levels that occurs in the body when coconut oil is consumed.16

Coconut oil also detoxifies the body, keeping free radicals away that promote aging. This detoxification also helps keep the skin healthy with a noticeable glow effect.17

As you can see, this is an incredible opportunity to experience a long list of health and weight loss benefits for FREE!

As a Doctor who has already helped thousands of patients, I truly want to make a quality product like this, available to the world without charging for it. All I ask is that you cover the shipping.

Now, as you can imagine, giving away a quality product like this can get quite expensive… so we only have a limited supply we’re able to give away.

If you’re seeing this page, that means we still have a few bottles left…

So make sure you click the “Yes! Send Me My FREE Bottle” button below before we run out and we’ll rush your Nutrition Hacks Organic Coconut Oil to you right away.

Claim Your FREE Nutrition Hacks Organic Coconut Oil Right Now! $69

100% Absolutely FREE!


Here’s what everyone else is saying about the Nutrition Hacks Organic Coconut Oil

“I couldn’t believe it! I can finally take coconut oil without having to endure that disgusting taste. I’m so happy that Nutrition Hacks came out with an awesome product like this. My skin is starting to look smoother and my stomach is starting to look much slimmer.”

- Lisa Jensen

“I’ve just started taking the Nutrition Hacks organic coconut oil and I’m already noticing a difference in my mental clarity and my focus. I’m so thankful that I never have to take another scoop of regular coconut oil ever again.”

- Robert Da Silva

“WOW! I didn’t believe having organic coconut oil in a softgel would actually work. I already lost 19 pounds and I feel AMAZING! And the team at Nutrition Hacks has been super helpful in responding to all my questions. Thank you so much!”

- Amanda Reyes

Claim Your FREE Nutrition Hacks Organic Coconut Oil Right Now! $69

100% Absolutely FREE!

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